Issue 29 Available for Pre-order!!
Issue #29 is now available for pre-order! The expected release date is July 10th. You can VIEW SAMPLE PAGES HERE!! Click on the selected artist’s names below to go to their websites.
Our feature interview is with the artist, Melanie Walker regarding her father, the pioneering photographer and printmaker, Todd Walker. Mr. Walker was an early proponent of alternative processes and particularly the application of digital processes to analog printmaking.
We are offering a limited edition risograph print of a fantastic image, Canary, by Todd Herzberg. If you are a subscriber or just want the print, it can be purchased ALONE. Or, you can PURCHASE AS A PACKAGE with Issue 29. It is our wish to offer affordable prints made by some of our favorite artists who submit to the magazine. Risographs are an automated multi-color screen-print. The result is a unique, high quality, full color, low-cost print. Thanks to Todd and to our friends at Oddities Prints for printing these for us.
Issue 29 also includes a feature on our exhibition, “Shape/Shift”, opening this July at Through This Lens Gallery in Durham, North Carolina. The exhibition includes 29 artists from all over the US, Spain, the UK, and Australia. The exhibition opens on July 17th and will run through August 15th.

Limited edition print by Todd Herzberg, Canary, Risograph, 11″ x 8.5″
Canary Risograph Print + Issue 29
*All prices include shipping
List of Artists
Feature Interview: Melanie Walker / Todd Walker
Featured Exhibition: Shape/Shift @ Through This Lens Gallery, Durham, NC
Featured Print: Todd Herzberg
List of Artists
Laszlo Galos
Lodiza LePore