Issue 27 Artist and Pre-Order Announced!
We are very excited to announce the ARTISTS AND PRE-SALE FOR ISSUE 27. This issue features an interview with the one and only Josephine Sacabo! Josephine shares work from her impressive career and provides insight into her work and her self. We also have spotlight mini-features with London-based artist, Mohammad Barrangi, and San Diego-based artist, Anton Orlov. The cover is by Grand Rapids, Michigan-based artist, Bryan Kosciolek. In addition, we have included the work of over 60 contributing artists from all over the world, representing the best in contemporary printmaking and photography!
Congratulations to all of the artists whose work was selected. Thanks to everyone who submitted. We are continuously amazed at the consistently high quality of all of the submissions we get for each issue. Thanks for contributing and for your support.
The new issue is at the printer. We expect to have it ready for distribution by Jan. 10th. We will keep everyone posted through our Saturday newsletters what the status is and when we have it sent out.
You can order your copy HERE. Congratulations to the following artists:
Featured Artist Interview
Spotlight Artists
Other Contributing Artists
Laura D’Alessandro
Andy Kraushaar